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Happy New Year!

Dearest Friends!

 This holiday season and New Year's celebration takes on a new meaning this year for all of us here at Miss Rose Sister Violet.

At the beginning of 2020 we had no idea of what lay ahead of us - that our world would be hit hard by a pandemic and leave all of us facing life as we had never known it to exist before. 

Isolation, separation from loved ones, challenges, frightening uncertainty - we were faced with so many obstacles. Not prepared for any of it we learned about our inner strength, our resilience, and our ability to band together and overcome adversity. We were reminded of the strength of the human spirit, to not give up, to treasure our loved ones no matter how far apart, and to not lose sight of all that is beautiful in this world. 

In light of all that this year has thrown at us, we look to each and every one of you with love and gratitude. We know without a doubt that we could not have survived this year without your friendship, your love and your support. We feel eternally grateful to you all, and so blessed that we had your beautiful friendship at a time when we needed it most. 


As we inch closer to a NEW and BETTER 2021 we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. And even though this holiday season and New Year's celebration is still far from normal - we hope that everyone sees the sparkle on the horizon.

We wish for you, your family and your loved ones, a New Year full of happiness and overflowing love and New Year's blessings. 

From all of us here at Miss Rose Sister Violet,

Thank you, Happy New Year, and all our love



Vegan Christmas Cake for December

Vegan Christmas Cake recipe from Domestic Gothess


  • 125 g (4.5oz) raisins
  • 125 g (4.5oz) sultanas
  • 125 g (4.5oz) currants
  • 100 g (3.5oz) dried cranberries
  • 100 g (3.5oz) mixed candied peel
  • 85 g (3oz) glace cherries halved
  • 100 ml (1/3 cup + 1Tbsp + 1tsp) rum or brandy
  • 175 g (2/3 cup + 1Tbsp) dairy free block margarine
  • 125 g (2/3 cup) dark brown soft sugar
  • 50 g (1/3 cup) light brown soft sugar
  • 30 g (one rounded Tbsp) treacle (or molasses)
  • finely grated zest of 1 large orange
  • finely grated zest of 1 large lemon
  • 350 g (3 cups minus 2 Tbsp) plain (all-purpose) flour
  • 40 g (1/3 cup) ground almonds
  • 3/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 tsp mixed spice (pumpkin spice)
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 120 ml (1/2 cup) unsweetened soy milk (or other unsweetened non-dairy milk)
  • 2 Tbsp red wine vinegar or lemon juice
  • 60 g (2oz) almonds chopped
  • rum or brandy for feeding



  1. Start preparing the fruit at least the day before you want to bake the cake.

    Mix all of the dried fruits together in a large bowl that has a lid, add the rum, stir well, then cover and leave overnight (or for up to a week - give it an occasional stir).

  2. The following day, preheat the oven to 140C/275F/gas mark 1. Grease a deep 20cm/8inch round cake tin and line it with a double layer of baking parchment.

  3. In a large bowl, whisk together the dairy free margarine (or softened coconut oil), dark and light brown sugars, treacle and orange and lemon zest until fluffy.

  4. In a separate bowl, sift together the plain flour, ground almonds, bicarbonate of soda, mixed spice, cinnamon and nutmeg.

  5. Tip the dry ingredients into the margarine mix, along with the soy milk and red wine vinegar. Stir until just combined; be careful not to over-mix. The batter should be very thick.

  6. Stir in the soaked dried fruits, along with any leftover liquid, and the chopped almonds.

  7. Scrape the batter into the prepared tin and use a spatula to spread it level. Because it is so thick it doesn't spread much in the oven so it is important that you get it as even as you can.
  8. Bake for 2-3 hours until a skewer comes out clean; mine took 2 1/2 hours. Leave the cake to cool completely in the tin on a wire rack then turn it out and brush all over with rum or brandy.

  9. Wrap the cake up in baking parchment then tin foil (it MUST be completely cold first), and store in an airtight container, feeding every week or two with rum or brandy, for up to three months.


    Recipe Notes

    • For the best results make sure that you follow the recipe closely. As always, I highly recommend using the gram measurements (with a digital scale), rather than the cup conversions. Cup measurements are simply not accurate enough for baking and I cannot guarantee the best results if you use them.
    • The dried fruit needs to be soaked at least overnight so do make sure that you start this cake the day before you want to bake it. The fruit can be left to soak for up to a week – I gave mine three days.
    • You can vary the types of dried fruit that you add to suit your own tastes (I know quite a few mixed peel haters!), as long as you keep the same overall weight – a total of 660g. Chopped dried dates, figs and apricots all work well, and you could even add dried cherries, blueberries or pineapple.
    • I have successfully stored this cake for three months, feeding it with a little rum every week or two. It is a little more delicate than non-vegan fruitcake so be very gentle with it and store it in a tin so as not to squash it.
    • I adapted this recipe by The Hungry Veggie to make this cake, with tweaks to suit my tastes:



Happy Birthday to all our Friends who were born in December and those who are Sagittarians!

What a joyous and festive time to have come into the world! Christmas trees, and Holiday decorations and twinkling lights are already everywhere you turn, and there’s such excitement in the air, no matter which hemisphere you’re living in! Half of us are looking forward to sleigh rides in the snow, ski trips and ice skating, while the other half are planning beach holidays and Christmas picnics in the backyard. Wherever you are, we know you’ll have fun celebrating your own special day! 

Your December flowers are definitely themed for the Holidays: Paperwhites (or Narcissus) and the traditional Holly. Paperwhites symbolize hope and wealth, and send the meaning that you want your beloved to stay just the way they are. Holly symbolizes protection and defense (all those thorns!), but also a wish for domestic and family happiness. 

For all those born in December under the sign of The Archer, Sagittarius, your main flower is the Carnation, especially pink ones! Actually, any pink flower will do, even Peonies. Sagittarians love being in love, and the Carnation signifies that emotion, as well as strength and beauty.

Sagittarians are one of the three Fire signs in the Zodiac, along with Aries and Leo, and you share their enthusiasm and passion for living. You are optimistic, energetic, progressive and adventurous. You have a great sense of humor, and life with you is never dull!

The birthstone for December is the lovely turquoise, one of the most beautiful shades of blue. In ancient times, turquoise was regarded as a love charm, and it is believed to relax the mind, as well as offering protection to the wearer. Turquoise rings in particular are thought to drive away evil spirits. This special stone is very often put to dramatic and exquisite use in jewelry created by Native American Indian artists. 

Parties at Christmas are especially festive, so having a birthday party at this time of year just adds yet another fun-filled layer to the proceedings, especially when it comes to the musicians you’re going to invite who also share December birthdays: Taylor Swift, Micki Minaj, Britney Spears, the fabulous young new talent Billie Eilish, and Bette Midler, plus Jimmy Buffett and Annie Lennox, who were born on Christmas Day! Brad Pitt is going to love your party! And so will Jude Law, Jake Gyllenhaal, Denzel Washington, Christopher Plummer, Don Johnson, Steven Spielberg, Jane Fonda, Tiger Woods and LeBron James!

As for those who will be joining you in spirt, look for Humphrey Bogart, also born on Christmas Day, along with Frank Sinatra, Walt Disney, Emily Dickinson and Jane Austen, Ava Gardner, Beethoven, and just to add a splash of costume fun: Nero! Now that’s what we call a guest list! Just add some Christmas Punch and a bowl of spiked Egg Nog, and let the fun begin!

And whether you decide to go with traditional Christmas music, or songs about December, or a mix of both, here are some tunes you might want to include in your playlist!

So, Happy, Happy Birthday December and Sagittarius Babies! We’re wishing you a wonderful celebration, whichever day in December you call your own.

We’re also sending our very best, heartfelt wishes for Happy Holidays to each of you and your families. We hope this season brings you peace and love, as well as a sense of joy and fulfillment and shared giving. We’re so looking forward to seeing everyone in the New Year as we welcome 2021!

                                          HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL…

Love Rose & Violet!



Happy Thanksgiving to all!!


Miss Rose Sister Violet - Floral Fabric Collection

We are beyond excited to announce the launch date is finally here!!! Our FIRST fabric collection "Rose & Violet's Garden" in collaboration with the wonderful Riley Blake Design Fabrics will be available this December, 2020.

It is a dream come true.... and it is finally real... in our hands... our very own fabric collection. And we can't wait to share it with everyone.

Our whole lives we have loved fabric - and in particular the florals and vintage styles. We have spent years traipsing through antique stores and fabric stores across the world... some of our most loved adventures abroad spent in flea markets and haberdashery treasure chests. We have trekked across England, Europe, India, Asia, America and our own home country Australia - digging our way through piles of fabric... following maps down forgotten streets to hidden quilting stores... visiting markets that pop up in the early hours of the morning and are gone again by nightfall - the vendors taking their unsold treasures with them... always the lure and anticipation that within those piles, shelves, trunks, stores and markets lie treasures! We have squealed with delight many times over at the wonderful goodies we have found.

And now... a dream come true... with our wonderful and talented friends at Riley Blake Design fabrics... we have designed our very own collection.

Available in stores across the world! We are tickled pink with happiness. We hope you all love it and enjoy it's launch as much as we will. Thank you to everyone for all your encouragement and support along the way. It is the first of many more collections to come.... 

But for now please enjoy our FIRST collection... "Rose & Violet's Garden".

With love always, Rose and Violet xxxxxx